PTC Pratical Nursing program names 2023-2024 HOSA officers. Left to right, Mareya Mata, Kelly LaNoy, Brandy Ames, Mrs. Julie Williams, Billy Catron, Kenda Brock, Danette Balliett, Alexia Franklin

PTC Welding students taking advantage of the great weather earlier this month to learn elevated welding safety and skills. Other projects in the works include preparations for work at the East Central University Baseball Field and a massive pond drainage pipe. #TrainingToSucceed

PTC Students at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas competing in the Hot Rodders of Tomorrow Engine Building Competition.

Reserve your spot now - space is limited.
Introduction to Sewing and Upholstery - Class Begins 5:30PM, Tuesday, November 7th.
This Basic Introductory for Sewing Class is intended to teach students the knowledge required to safely setup and operate a sewing machine. Including the basics of how the sewing machine works, basic parts and how they interact to make a perfect stitch, tensioning, needle selection, fabric characteristics, etc… Students will learn how to troubleshoot the most common issues that occur with sewing and how to solve those issues. Each student will have extensive sewing time on their own machine and the course will be adjusted to fit their individual abilities. The final project will be for each student to pattern, cut, and sew a throw pillow.
About the Instructor: Mike Taylor has a diverse background, including teaching, coaching, construction contracting and working as an I.T. specialist. He started his 2nd Chance Upholstery business in 2009, specializing in boat upholstery. Since then he has expanded into all forms of upholstery including home furniture, pillows, auto, motorcycles, jet skis, and more.
Details and Enroll: https://www.careertechweb.org/ptc/course_bl/index.php?sesid=NTM1NTI%3D&userid=NzM%3D&campusid=NA%3D%3D&autobill=MQ%3D%3D

October 28th is National First Responders Day. We thank you all for your dedication and life-saving efforts! According to the US Department of Commerce, an estimated 4.6 million people serve as career and volunteer firefighters, police, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics in the United States. Their daily jobs come with extraordinary challenges that they face with bravery and dedication.

November 7th - Introduction to Sewing and Upholstery ($169) - Evening Course, Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-8:30pm. This basic course requires no experience and sewing machines are provided. All you need is a desire to learn. We'll cover the use of sewing machines, including threading and stitching, maintenance and operation, and more. You'll also learn about patterns and complete a small project during the course. Details/Enroll: https://www.careertechweb.org/ptc/course_bl/index.php?sesid=NTM1NTI%3D&userid=NzM%3D&campusid=NA%3D%3D&autobill=MQ%3D%3D

November 6th - Intermediate Hydraulics ($490) - Level 2 of Hydraulics includes Hydraulic Directional Control Valve Applications, Hydraulic Cylinder Applications, Regeneration Circuits, Synchronization Circuits, Hydraulic Relief Valve Operation, Remote Pressure Control, Hydraulic Check Valve Applications, Pressure Port Check Valve Circuit, Accumulator Applications, Accumulator Circuits. Details at: https://www.careertechweb.org/ptc/course/index.php?sesid=NDc5NTA%3D&campusid=NA%3D%3D&tid=NDczNTU%3D&autobill=MQ%3D%3D&userid=NzM%3D

November 1st - Beginning Word ($99) - You will learn to use MS Word processing application and its features. Create, edit, insert symbols and characters, text alignment, headers, footers, borders, bullets, numbered lists and documents enhancement are just a few skills that are covered. Details at https://www.careertechweb.org/ptc/course/index.php?sesid=NTIzNDM%3D&campusid=NA%3D%3D&tid=NTE2ODY%3D&autobill=MQ%3D%3D&userid=Mjc0

October 26th - Phase III Private Investigator ($215) - Students learn the basic duties and tasks of private investigators. Topics include the laws of private investigation and surveillance. Students will receive instruction in understanding responsibilities to clients, interpreting laws of investigations, complying with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, conducting investigation/surveillance and locating and communicating information. Course TEST date: MON 12/4 @ 5:30PM. Details at: https://www.careertechweb.org/ptc/course/index.php?sesid=NTEwNDg%3D&campusid=NA%3D%3D&tid=NTA0MDg%3D&autobill=MQ%3D%3D&userid=Mjc0

Don't forget the Free Flu Vaccine Drive Thru Clinic TODAY (October 19th), 9AM-3PM at Pontotoc Technology Center, 601 West 33rd St. Ada. Follow the signs and you can't miss it! The Clinic is made possible by the Chickasaw Nation, and the Pontotoc County Health Department with assistance from the PTC Practical Nursing program. Remember to wear short sleeves and leave pets at home! No appointment necessary. Learn more about the Practical Nursing program at: www.pontotoctech.edu/practicalnursing

PTC IT Student John Linebarger recently ran into a bit of car trouble arriving to class one day. His car just died. About that time, the Firefighter Academy students were running by on their morning PT run and decided to give John a hand. They pushed his car all the way to the other side of our campus and into the Automotive shop. Automotive student Matthew Brogdon diagnosed the issue and had John back on the road the next day. Linebarger said, “I guess if my car had to break down, it couldn’t have happened at a better time and place! Thanks to everyone who helped!” PTC programs are constantly collaborating with each other…sometimes it’s unplanned. #TrainingToSucceed

Free Flu Vaccine Drive Thru Clinic TOMORROW (October 19th), 9AM-3PM at Pontotoc Technology Center, 601 West 33rd St. Ada. The Clinic is made possible by the Chickasaw Nation, and the Pontotoc County Health Department. Remember to wear short sleeves and leave pets at home!

Annually observed on the third Wednesday in October, Financial Aid Day serves as a dedicated occasion to commemorate and acknowledge the invaluable contributions of financial aid professionals throughout the United States. This day provides an opportunity to honor the diligent efforts of individuals like Jannice Williams, Pontotoc Technology Center's Financial Aid Specialist. Ms. Williams plays a pivotal role in facilitating students' aspirations of pursuing satisfying and well-paying careers through education and skill development. Stop by to visit with Ms. Williams or learn more about Financial Aid at PTC here: https://www.pontotoctech.edu/page/financial-aid

November 7th - Introduction to Sewing and Upholstery ($169) - Evening Course, Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-8:30pm. This basic course requires no experience and sewing machines are provided. All you need is a desire to learn. We'll cover the use of sewing machines, including threading and stitching, maintenance and operation, and more. You'll also learn about patterns and complete a small project during the course. Details/Enroll: https://www.careertechweb.org/ptc/course_bl/index.php?sesid=NTM1NTI%3D&userid=NzM%3D&campusid=NA%3D%3D&autobill=MQ%3D%3D

REMINDER: Blood Drive @ PTC TOMORROW! (October 17th) - You could save a life! Details about OBI at: https://www.obi.org/

October 19th - Basic Manners for Dogs ($125) - Learn how to communicate with your dog in a way they understand. These classes are for basic commands. Learn how to train your dog to sit, stay, down, leave it, wait, heel, and walking on a leash. Learn about health and safety for your dog. Positive reinforcement techniques enhance your bond with your dog. Ideal for dogs any age over six months, these classes are one hour and last for five weeks. Training is conducted indoors. Details/Enroll: https://www.careertechweb.org/ptc/course/index.php?sesid=NDQ4MDI%3D&campusid=NA%3D%3D&tid=NDQyNDE%3D&autobill=MQ%3D%3D&userid=Mjc0

October 23rd - Advanced Digital Photography ($95) - The intermediate/advanced course will delve into aspects of action photography, recognizing and controlling light, and fine tuning composition. Beginning Digital Photography class is a prerequisite. Students need to bring their cameras to class, and will be asked to go on short hikes at the Technology Center. Must be willing to be photographed and photograph fellow students. Enroll: https://www.careertechweb.org/ptc/course/index.php?sesid=NDQ3OTk%3D&campusid=NA%3D%3D&tid=NDQyMzg%3D&autobill=MQ%3D%3D&userid=Mjc0

Blood Drive @ PTC on October 17th - You could save a life! Details about OBI at: https://www.obi.org/

29 Tech Centers, 391 PK-12 School Districts, 15 Skill Centers, 32 Adult Educations and Family Literacy Centers - PTC is a part of the #OKCareerTech system. See what that means at: https://www.pontotoctech.edu/page/about

Fall Break begins tomorrow, but today is filled with loads of activities all around campus. We have 8th grade tours, outdoor classroom visitors, students on field trips and in classrooms continuing to develop their skills. The Heavy Equipment class is out digging test holes for a new pond project near the PTC campus entrance. To all our students, keep going strong, enjoy your break, and we’ll see you again on Monday!