November 1st - Beginning Word ($99) - You will learn to use MS Word processing application and its features. Create, edit, insert symbols and characters, text alignment, headers, footers, borders, bullets, numbered lists and documents enhancement are just a few skills that are covered. Details at
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Hand over laptop keyboard pressing keys
October 26th - Phase III Private Investigator ($215) - Students learn the basic duties and tasks of private investigators. Topics include the laws of private investigation and surveillance. Students will receive instruction in understanding responsibilities to clients, interpreting laws of investigations, complying with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, conducting investigation/surveillance and locating and communicating information. Course TEST date: MON 12/4 @ 5:30PM. Details at:
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Image of man in suit holding a magnifying glass
29 Tech Centers, 391 PK-12 School Districts, 15 Skill Centers, 32 Adult Educations and Family Literacy Centers - PTC is a part of the #OKCareerTech system. See what that means at:
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Friday, October 6th is Manufacturing Day Pontotoc Technology Students travelled to several of our businesses and industry partners to explore career options and increase awareness around the manufacturing industry. All of us at PTC appreciate Flex-N-Gate, Globe Mfg, RamJack, Anderson Quarries, and GAMI for investing in our student's futures today!
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Students exiting the building through glass doors
Students loading on to yellow school busses
Wide shot of students loading on to a yellow school bus
Two people talking near the open door of a yellow school bus
November 7th - Introduction to Sewing and Upholstery ($169) - Evening Course, Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-8:30pm. This basic course requires no experience and sewing machines are provided. All you need is a desire to learn. We'll cover the use of sewing machines, including threading and stitching, maintenance and operation, and more. You'll also learn about patterns and complete a small project during the course. Details/Enroll:
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Photo of scissors with fabric and thread
In-District Secondary students attend PTC at NO COST. Businesses hiring CareerTech graduates have the advantage of quick onboarding of highly skilled workers with hands-on industry experience. Learn more about PTC and #OKCareerTech at
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
October 4th - Excel Level I ($99) - Simplify your life by organizing your information and data by learning to use Excel spreadsheets and the features - formulas, functions, auto sum, sorting, and creating formulas. The ability to make sense of all that data is becoming more and more challenging. Who has the time? Excel can help you organize this data more efficiently and effectively. Details at:
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Image of a person's hand pointing at an ipad with charts and a spreadsheet in front of a laptop with the same image displayed.
September 30th - CDL Class B-Behind the Wheel - School Bus ($250) - This course will teach basic skills and mastery of basic maneuvers. You must show a proficiency in all of these skills to complete behind the wheel, Vehicle inspection, enroute, post trip, straight line backing, alley dock backing, off-set backing, parallel parking blind and sight side, vehicle controls, shifting, transmission, communications, signaling, visual search, speed and space management, safe driver behavior, Hours of service, hazard perception, railroad crossing, night operation, extreme driving conditions, skid control, baggage and cargo management, passenger safety awareness, passenger management, danger zones and use of mirrors, loading and unloading, emergency exit and evacuation, and special safety considerations. Details:
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Photo of a yellow school bus
Did you know it’s estimated that #OKCareerTech has an annual impact of $3.5 Billion on the state’s economy. Learn more about how PTC is part of that!
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Did you know in FY22, #OKCareerTech had 446,940 systemwide enrollments and served 6,671 businesses? Learn more about how PTC is investing in Oklahoma’s future.
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
With help from PEC, we are setting poles in the transmission and distribution yard today.  Line Worker program students are involved with shovels in hand.
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
image of truck hoisting an electrical pole with workers installing it in the ground
image of truck hoisting an electrical pole with workers installing it in the ground
What does it mean for Pontotoc Technology Center to be “Powered by CareerTech?” PTC being a part of the #OKCareerTech system holds an immense significance for our community. For over a century, Oklahoma CareerTech has been shaping skilled individuals and offering clear career paths to 90,000+ graduates annually. These graduates form the backbone of Oklahoma's workforce, driving the economy by serving countless companies. Being an integral part of this legacy, Pontotoc Technology Center produces skilled professionals who power Oklahoma, and more specifically our district’s continued growth and economic vitality. The five minute video on our website is worth the watch if you’re interested to see a bit more about how we’re investing in Oklahoma’s future.
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Image of PTC's about page on the website, found here:
Kicking off our new Lineworker Academy this week with safety trainings. Here's to a great academy/year and a successful future for all our students!
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Group photo of 12 students and their instructor standing in front of a P logo step and repeat banner.
A big thanks to Michael Tuley and Joe Allen for our CPR, FirstAid and Safety trainings today at PTC! If your organization is interested in training like this, give Mr. Tuley or Mr. Allen a call at 580-310-2248.
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Image of large group sitting in classroom setting with two speakers presenting at the front of the room
Image of people practicing CPR on dummies
Image of people practicing CPR on dummies
Close up of a man practicing CPR on a dummy
PTC Welcomes District Drivers for our annual Bus Drivers Training this morning. Thank you for your commitment to the safety and well-being of all district students.
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
People standing and talking in a cafeteria setting, networking prior to a training session
PTC Superintendent Travis Graham addressing bus driver training students
Photo of a group of people in a seminar center listening to a speaker at the front of the room
AC/DC Basic Electrical Begins August 17th - Seeking to build a strong foundation in industrial electrical knowledge? Look no further! Enroll now in our fundamental AC/DC Basic Electrical course . Learn essential training topics such as Basic Electrical Circuits, Electrical Measurement, Circuit Analysis, Inductance and Capacitance, Combination Circuits, Transformers, and more. Get details or enroll at:
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Image of an instructor and student standing in front of a wall with a variety of electrical sockets and lightbulbs and switches
Basic Electrical Wiring Begins August 15th - Calling all aspiring electricians! Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge in General Safety, Electrical Theory, Hand and Power Tools, AC and DC Circuits, Wiring Methods, and much more! Get details or enroll at:
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Image of instructor teaching a student electrical wiring skills in front of a practice wall with many wires sticking out and connecting in various places
Basic HVAC Begins August 17th - Be cool and get into a hot skilled trades career in the HVAC industry! You will learn the electrical troubleshooting and basics needed to maintain an HVAC system and obtain your EPA certification during this course. This course also provides electrical controls training, heating and refrigeration cycle training and recover, recycle, and recharge refrigerant training. Get details or enroll at:
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Image of HVAC technician working on an air conditioner
If you’re an LPN or an RN with long-term care experience, we need you! We have openings for a Health Instructor and a Program Coordinator. Great benefits and salary range from $53,065-$75,796 (depending on experience). Details at:
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Image of nurse resting arms on a table with the content, we are hiring and listing the open positions found at the link
CDL Class B-Behind the Wheel (School Bus) - Begins June 22nd (8AM-5PM, Th, F, and Sat). Basic skills and mastery of basic maneuvers. Details at:
over 1 year ago, Pontotoc Tech
Photo of a big yellow school bus