The PTC FabLab exist as a community economic development and educational tool for our rural community. We exist to assist in the development of individuals and ideas. Entrepreneurs, inventors, small companies, large companies, engineers, hobbyist, and curious minds are all part of the PTC FabLab membership. PTC developed a place for ideas to be nurtured and developed, created and inspired, from concept to completion. Our facility exists to connect the members with the resources to grow both personally and grow their business.
Our Lab Equipment:
MakerBot Replicator: Basic Filament PLA printer
MakerBot Replicator+: More advanced Basic Filament PLA printer
Formlabs Form 2: Stereolithographic laser/resin printer with high definition capabilities
Stratysis Uprint: Dual media filament printer for use with complex integrated projects
Piranha FX XL Mini CNC: CNC router, Digitizing probe, Laser etching
Wazer-Waterjet Cutting Machine (CNC Controlled)

Our Operations:
Mission Statement of the Fab Lab: The PTC Fab Lab is a collaborative effort within the community for advancing innovation and product development. Our goal is to educate the participants thru relationships and advanced manufacturing processes with state of the art software/hardware and an environment of community. “Training for Success” is the moto and education is the main focus for this lab. We provide educational opportunities for our members and clients.
We use this lab as a method to advance the relationships between our businesses and our full time programs, instructing each to perform advanced manufacturing Safety First techniques using safe operational principles.
Our Operation Goals: The PTC Fab Lab has been established to benefit the local community and provide economic development opportunities for our business community. We encourage research and development groups and individuals to use the services and equipment in the lab to design, develop, produce prototypes and simulation items.
Our Method of Operation: Lab operations will be a combination of instructor lead events and self paced learning activities. Online learning will be offered. We provide computers and links to the internet as well as access thru software to aid in the learning experience. This is an open operations lab with required safety courses and qualifications before operating equipment. We provide an opportunity for all members to collaborate on designs and offer an open forum for this exchange of ideas. Better designs through collaborations.
Courses Offered and Instructional Processes:
Autocad | Advanced 3D Printing | CNC programing Basics Using Vetrics | Coordinate Measurement | Fusion 360 | Inventor | Laser Etching | Markforge Mark II 3d Printer | Plasma Cutting Basics | Scanning and Digitizing | Selecting the Correct 3D Printer | Sketch-up Fundamentals | Solidworks | Thingiverse and Your First 3D Print | Using a 3 Axis CNC Cutting Machine | Wazer-Waterjet Cutter
Lab Supervision
The lab will have a supervisor/attendant for each event or appointment. The supervisor/attendant is there to assist the members with the equipment however, they are not there to do the project for the member. Instruction and education is the main focus of the lab. We are not a fee for service group. Our lab attendant will be there to assist and monitor. We have Subject Matter Experts that will be available by appointment. The SME will make appointments to help with specific issues and are available to assist the members. We schedule regular times and dates for the SME’s to be available. This is posted on our website or sent out to members via informational email.