Health Science

If you want a career in the medical profession, one of our Health Science programs is for you. From learning the basics of patient care to knowing how to use medical and diagnostic equipment, you’ll get to work alongside and support medical professionals in a variety of health care settings while providing quality patient care.

Student tending to patient bedside

Never has there been a greater demand for skilled professionals than in the constantly and rapidly changing health care industry. The Health Science Careers programs offer options that could be a life- long career or a jump-start to a variety of advanced health care degrees. Students have the opportunity to obtain multiple certifications in many health care areas that could help ensure their employability. Choose one of the programs below.

My favorite part about Health Science class is learning how to properly draw and handle a person's blood. It was such a fun experience getting to learn how to stick with different types of needles. I'm proud to be a 'trustworthy phlebotomist in training.'

Nina Capps  

   Health Science Student (2021)


This program is for High School students attending half-days in year one at PTC.


High School students attending half-days choose this program to continue their education and skill development in year two.


Picture of Jeanna Munholland